
Showing posts from June, 2020

Posting Schedule

Hello! I know a couple of posts ago I mentioned I was going to try and make my posting schedule every Monday and Wednesday. I have been so busy I have had no time to post anything. For now, I'm not going to have a set posting schedule. When I have time to write and type my post, I will try my best to get it out that day! God only knows when I will be posting!  I hope everybody understands how hard it is to make a set posting schedule because random things come up.  I will hopefully get/have a set posting schedule by fall. Many Blessings, Maddie <3


Hello! My dear blogger friend,  Brooklyn , nominated me for this award and I really enjoyed doing it! Thank you  Brooklyn !                                                                     THE RULES:                                                     1) Thank the person who nominated you! 2) Display your award. 3) Answer the questions you were asked. 4) Nominate 5 new bloggers. 5) Ask 6 new questions.  6) Let your nominees know that they were nominated!   Brooklyn's Questions: -What's a recent blog post by another blogger that you really enjoyed? To be honest, I'm not really sure! -If you had to live anywhere in the world ot...

Day 2: Sewing Marathon (SCRUNCHIES)

Hello!! Welcome to day 2 of my sewing marathon! In today's post I will show you how to make scrunchies! ITEMS NEEDED: ~ 4x15 in stretchy fabric ~ 7 in elastic ( I use 1/4 in elastic because I feel it works best!) ~ scissors  ~ 2 safety pins ~sewing machine/ thread Let's get started! First get all the items you need. 1. Cut your fabric and elastic. 2.Fold like a hot dog (long ways) so that the print or color is on the inside. Sew along the long edge in a straight line. 3. Take your safety pin and pin it on one end of your fabric piece. Push your safety pin to the end so that all of the fabric is on the safety pin. Find the safety pin and pull. Now the fabric should be right side out. 4.Put a safety pin at the end of the elastic then, put the safety pin in the fabric. At the other end of your elastic, hook another safety pin on it and hook it onto the fabric with the elastic on it. There should be safety pins and elastic at both ends. 5.   If y...

Day 1: Sewing Marathon (TEABAG)

Hello everybody!!! Welcome to day 1 of the sewing marathon! In today's post I am going to show you how to make a reuseable teabag! I am trying to make videos for every sewing item this week but, it probably won't be posted till NEXT week. Items Needed:  ~ 3x4 in fabric ~   2 buttons (I use quarter size but any size works!) ~10 in embroidery string ~needle ~ pins ~ sewing machine/ thread      Let's get started! Well, first get all you items needed!      1. Cut your fabric, and string. 2. Take your buttons and string and weave the string in the button holes 2-3 times. Knot your ends. 3.Take your fabric and your string and lay the string a little lower from the top. Fold over the fabric, pin, and sew. The string should be move able so yo can close the teabag at then end! 4.Fold inside out.  Sew all around but the top. 5.Then, flip so the rightside is out! Then......... done !! I hope my steps made sense for you!! Have you eve...