Hello! My dear blogger friend, Brooklyn, nominated me for this award and I really enjoyed doing it! Thank you Brooklyn!

                                                                    THE RULES:
 1) Thank the person who nominated you!

2) Display your award.
3) Answer the questions you were asked.

4) Nominate 5 new bloggers.

5) Ask 6 new questions. 

6) Let your nominees know that they were nominated!

 Brooklyn's Questions:
-What's a recent blog post by another blogger that you really enjoyed?
To be honest, I'm not really sure!
-If you had to live anywhere in the world other then where you live now, where would that be?
England. I feel it would be a really cool place to visit!
-What's your favorite book you have read in 2020?
I love the Nancy Drew series!
-What is something you love that most people don't know about?
-What's your favorite genre of movies?
comedy, christian!
-What is something you wish you could do/want to do someday?
be a photographer!

My Questions:
1.  Where is your favorite place to shop?
2. What/Who is a blogger/blog do you really enjoy?
3.What is one of your favorite books of the bible?
4.What's your favorite meal?
5. What's your favorite movie?
6. What book series do you enjoy?

Again, thank you Brooklyn!

Til next post,
Maddie <3


  1. Hi Maddie! Thanks for nominating me!
    1. Norstrom
    2. I love a lot of blogs! (Including yours!)

    3. I don’t have one.

    4. I don’t know! Depends on the day🙂

    5. Bethany Hamilton: Unstoppable!!! It’s a documentary on Netflix.

    6. The SeaFire trilogy by Natalie C Parker!

  2. Hey Maddie this is really cool that you got nominated!! - Nadia

    1. Yes, it was very cool! I also had lots of fun doing it!!


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