b i b l e s t u d y s e r i e s - {episode 1}

 hello everyone!

 i am sorry this post is so late, i have been very busy recently, but i really wanted to get a post out this week! 

today is going to be a little different than what i normally post. i am going to start a bible study series, (i may have a different name in the future but this is what i have right now) maybe posting once a month, twice a month, or however many times i want. i mentioned starting a series a few posts back but wasn't quite sure how, but God has lead me into sharing His word with you. please please please, feel free to share this post so we can spread the Good News together! i hope to turn this into a great series so drop some study ideas in the comments! 

so lets start talking about why i did this; my youth pastor asked me to lead a lesson on sunday for our small group and i had absolutely no idea what i was going to share on. i prayed about it, and thought about it and He lead me to this topic right here:

sharing the gospel with non-believers

i absolutely love this topic. i am always trying to spread the word and i though this would be a  great topic for young teens right now. i prayed more about the topic and He lead me into sharing it with all of you. (please keep in mind that this isn't perfect, i didnt write word for word, so please go with the flow!) 

(i included a few questions in this so you can just discuss them with yourself, drop them in the comments, or if you want to talk to someone about something in this but not visible to everyone, my inbox is open ☺︎)

 what does being a christian mean to you?

being a christian to me means that you believe god Jesus to die on the cross for our sins so we can be with him in the future. 

christian's believe that there is only one god, but has showed himself in three different people, god the father, god the son, and god the holy sprit

think about back from when you were saved, how has being a christian been a good thing in your life? 

as christian's, we need to share the gospel with non christians 

but it may not always be the easiest thing. 

non believers have different beliefs than christian's do especially now with everything that is going on in the world 

you may not know where to start at when you are trying to share the gospel.

you don't have to be a genius, or know every detail to story that happened in the bible to share the gospel 

what type of attitude should you have when you share the gospel? 

we need to have a kind and respectful attitude to others

we need to be respectful to the other person, because they are made in Gods image

 "but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,”

‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭3:15‬ ‭ESV‬‬

when you do share the gospel, you should know some of the main things that have happened in the bible

what are some of the main events? 

  • the creation (created the land the trees the water the animals and all the other things in the six days) 
  • the fall (explains why bad things happen in the world, and why we need a savior) 
  • redemption- Jesus birth, death, resurrection 
  • restoration -  means : "restore" as to bring back to or put back something to a former or original state 
  • biblical term: is when you put your faith in Jesus and He will make the world how it should be. which is also eternity. 
  • evangelism- is the spreading of the Christian gospel by public preaching or personal witness
  • ^friendship is a good way to share the gospel because it is easier to talk to friends about faith


the point of sharing the gospel with others is to share the good news which is the bible

when you first start talking to a non-believer, consider asking if they are saved. if they aren't, you can do many differnt things

  1. ask if they would like you to pray with them and become saved right then and there. pray for any needs they may have. ask god to be with them 
  2. start sharing with them some bible verses, for an example john 3:16

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”

‭‭John‬ ‭3:16‬ ‭ESV‬‬

  1. share with them your testimony 
  2. share some of the way God has worked in your life. others like to hear what has happened by God and that can make them more interested. 

in the song MY STORY by big daddy weave, there is a line where it says 

Oh to tell you my story, is to tell of Him

If I told you my story, you would hear victory

when sharing the gospel with others, you want to be sharing about HIM.


when it comes to sharing the gospel, it doesn't have to be rehearsed or perfect. 

but you may want to have an idea of what to say but dont say it over and over and over. 

pray. pray and ask god for wisdom before you talk to that person 

when you are talking to someone about the gospel, He will be with you as you speak

“Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger;”

‭‭James‬ ‭1:19‬ ‭ESV‬‬

when talking to someone that is struggling, we often jump right into what they should or shouldn't do in their situation. as that verse says, "be quick to hear, and slow to speak" let them talk and get out what  they are going through.

dont judge their situation. let them know that God is with them, and that He loves them. 

you can also share the gospel through your acts.

you don't always have to talk to someone when you share the gospel, your acts can show God working through you

the first four books of the new testament speak about Jesus'  life and are filled with the Good works that He did, not just all the sermons he preached or the parables he taught.

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:16‬ ‭ESV‬‬

after you have talked with someone about the gospel, ask how you can help them, ask how you can pray for them. make sure to continue checking up on them, and even hanging out with them, or doing bible study's with them. invite them to youth group!

“Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples!”

‭‭Psalm‬ ‭96:3‬ ‭ESV‬‬

+ you can also share the gospel with believers because they may not always know everything. christian's also go through bumpy roads and could always use someone to talk to. +

i would love to pray fro any prayer requests you have, you can drop them in the comments or email me! i am already praying for you but if there is something deeper inside you would like prayer for, please email me! i am a real person, a child of God, your beloved friend! i am here for you, and so is the Lord ♥

that is it for todays episode, i hope you got something out of this and i will be praying for you each and everyday! if you have any questions, comments or concerns drop them in the comments :)

can't wait to see you in the next episode! 

In Christ,


dear Lord, i pray that you are with whoever is reading this and that you can help them work through any situation they are going through right now. help them know that you are with them and that you love them. thank you for giving me the wisdom to share this with whoever is reading this. thank you for this perfect day and everything that was given into it today. thank you for letting me share Your Word, the Good News.

in Your name i pray, 



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