{Simply How To Series} r e s i n

 friends! lets start off with, I AM SO SORRY THIS POST IS LATE! i was very busy this week, didnt have time to blog, it has been chaotic in my house with my two siblings and i each having sports multiple times a week! 

OK. enough talk about me, lets get into the post! 


one thing i love making in my small business is resin! resin is also known by epoxy or polyepoxides! to some of you, you may easily be able to explain what resin is. for some of you it may be the opposite. i did a lot of research for this post, but if you have more questions at the end, please comment and i can answer there or make another post! 

how i am going to break this post down: 

~ how i make my resin products

~ what is resin? 

~ disadvantages/ advantages

~ how would you simply explain what resin is? 

how i make my resin products:

i make resin on our art table. i will warn you when it comes to making resin, it's messy. please please please make sure your room is well ventilated. open a window and keep the door open. do resin outside if you wish! i have made resin in a small room that was not very ventilated and i got a very bad headache, it just made me sick. i am warning you! i keep all (well most of *wink*) my resin add ins in a small bin the goes on our shelf in the dining room which is also where our art table is. i clean off the table with a wet paper towel and maybe vacuum it if there is a lot of junk on the table that isnt needed. i get out everything i want to just mess with.  (today i am going to explain how i make my coasters! one day i may end up opening a youtube channel of me making my resin so stay updated with the blog and pinterest!) 

first i start by getting all of my materials ready:

  • resin
  • measuring cups
  • plastic mixing cups
  • popsicle sticks 
  • mica powder 
  • silicone molds
  • gloves 
  • paper towels 
  • alcohol cloths 
1. measure out equal parts of resin 
2. mix together in plastic cup
3. mix together for minimum of 3 minutes. mixing for this amount of time gets all the resin mixed up very well so it hardens correctly. 
4. for this particular coaster, i separate the resin into two other cups equally (if you did the math, i now have 3 cups of resin!) 
5.i next add in any mica powder, glitter, or coloring i want to add in. for this coaster i added black in one cup, white in another and for the last i kept it clear with some gold leaf. 
6. in this coaster, i add a small amount of the gold mixture along the middle very slowly. add the white on one d side and the black on the other. if i needed to, i add more gold in the middle. 
7. i let this coaster between 8-24 hours or until i see it's completely hardened. 
8. see how the coaster turned out. i always remember when i take my products out of the mold, they aren't perfect! nothing is perfect! some coasters turn out STUNNING!!!! some are just like.. barf. but! they are unique! no two pieces of resin are the same even if i try my hardest to match! 
above is a picture of how the coasters actually turned out. as you can tell with the square coaster, the gold didnt work as well as i had hoped or as well as the circle did. for the square, the gold color game out in the resin, but most of the gold lead floated to the top. for the circle, that didnt happen as much, the leaf stayed at the bottom and turned out very well! i do very much love the circle more than the square, but again, THEY ARE UNIQUE! 

i make my other products similar to this, let me know if you want more in depth of how i make keychains and such!
what is resin? 

"synthetic resin is a chemical organic compound mainly composed of atoms such as carbon, hydrogen and a little oxygen and sulfur, combined together with a certain chemical-bond. synthetic resin, as a bonding agent, is the main component in plastic.                         - science direct

resin is better than plastic for the environment.                         - conserve energy future

keep in mind that there are many different kinds of resin!!
disadvantages of resin: 
~ high in price 
~ long curing time 
~ some handling difficulties 

advantages of resin: 
~ wide range of material characteristics 
~ high mechanical properties 
~ low shrinkage during cure
~ good adhesion to all types of fiber 
how would you simply explain what resin is? 

if someone would happen to ask (and i have had to explain) what resin is, this is what i would tell them: 
resin, or also known by epoxy resin, is a two part liquid, part a and part b. by mixing very equal amounts of each part together and letting cure on the desired surface or mold turns the two liquids into a hard object. its similar to plastic but is thicker and will last longer. it does not melt in the sun. 
that is all i have for this months how to! i hope you learned something out of this. if you would like more facts, please let me know and i'll get it work! 

                       maddie ♡

what do you want next month? 


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