{Simply How to Series} c a n d l e s

 welcome to month 2 of  the Simply How to Series! todays how to is... CANDLES! before we get started, i wanted to mention a few things about the candles! 

  • add cocoa butter to give a chocolaty goodness scent! 
  • experiment with differnt essential oils and blends! 
  • use differnt jars to make differnt looks! 
(i did not make this recipe, it is from Farmhouse on Boone! she has a lot of tips on how to make your candles, be sure to check it out.)

ingredients and supplies:

- 1 pound beeswax pellets (i got a 5 pound bag on amazon)

- 1/2 cup coconut oil

- essential oil (these candles will not smell artificial, but using essential oils, they will give it a little fragrance, that's not artificial.)

- candle wicks (i also got these off of amazon)

- different sized jars (anything other than plastic!! do not use plastic, it will melt when the wax is hot.)


1. melt the beeswax and coconut oil in a double broiler with a glass bowl set up on low. (melting on high will burn the wax and it won't harden) it took me about 30-45 minutes for it to melt completly.  you could also melt it in a 350 degree oven in a glass bowl or measuring cup. do not use plastic. 

2. use hot glue to secure the wicks to the bottom of the jar.

3. to keep the wicks centered and tight, i wrapped them around a pencil and placed it on the jar, resting. 

4. once the beeswax and coconut oil are melted, i add some essential oil, around 30 or so drops (depending on how strong you want the candle to smell. you can add fewer or less) remember that the candle will not smell artificial. 

5. the tricky part, i add my wax into a glass measuring cup to help me pour the wax a little bit easier! the wax hardens very fast, so you have to work fast! if the wax hardens in your measuring cup, place it into a 350 degree oven to remelt it. 

6. depending on the size of your candle, your candle could take 10 minutes to an hour to fully harden. once your candle is hard, you could see how well you did by lighting it, or gift it! i would reccomend trying a differnt candle out first before gifting to make sure it melts nicely! 

and so there you have it! now you know how to make beeswax candles! all natural too! 

once again, if you have any questions, PLEASE let me know! i hope you have fun making candles, as much as i did! 

happy making!!!

don't forget to come back next month! 

- maddie <3


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