j a n u a r y b u j o ' 2 2

new year

new feels

new chances

same dreams 

fresh start. 

how lovely is that quote? i saw it thought it was just perfect, i had to share! 

january is almost over! how can it be???!!! 

welllllllll, todays post is january's bujo (short for bullet journal!) !!!!! i went very simple for the month of january! i also got a new bullet journal for this year, so i added a few things for the new year in the beginning of the bullet journal! 

lets flip right into it! 

at the beginning of most books, there is an index! so i couldn't help but include one in my bujo! its very basic but i can't wait to add to it! 

this took way too long to make but i do enjoy how it looks! i messed up a little bit but, hey! nothing is perfect (except Jesus of course!)!

this page.. i dont like it at all! i messes up SO much, but it is what it is! try again next year i guess 😂

on to the actual january part now!!

this is the beginning! i actually really like how it turned out! i love ripped brown paper on the first page. then i like all the colors on the right side! i OF COURSE had to add washi tape!! 

no words for this page. just. just try again next month!!!! 

this is the last page for the january bujo! very simple, took WAY too many tries (no caption on to what happened..). very simple, basic, not my best. 

there you have it, my january bujo! i am sorry it wasn't as best as my december, but when i did this, it was way to late at night! february's will be better! cant wait to see you back next month! 

in Christ, 

p.s. sorry i didnt post last week, i had no post ideas, and it was a busy week! hopefully i can get back on a schedule!  



  1. I loooove it!!! Its so pretty!! The gold and ripped paper and "elegance" gave it MAJOR new years vibes!! I loved it!! And that quote was so refreshing!!


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