{Simply How to Series} sugar scrub + bath salts

 welcome to the first post in the Simply How to Series! today's post is on sugar scrub and bath salts! these two items are both so simple! so simple i couldn't make them seperate posts! 

let's stop talking and get into making! 

sugar scrub


- 1/2 cup white sugar

- 1/2 cup brown sugar

- 1/2 cup melted coconut oil

- 10 drops essential oils  (check below for blends and their purposes)


- small mixing bowl

- mixing spoon

- measuring cups

- air tight jar/container


1. mix the sugars and melted coconut oil togther in your mixing bowl.

2. add your choice of essential oil and stir. 

3.  place into your jar and try it out! 

to use:

wet hands with warm water. place a small amount of the sugar scrub onto your hands. rub in circular motions. rinse off with warm water! 

bath salts

ingredients: (enough for one bath, multiply the recipe multiple times to keep in a jar for the future) 

- 2 tablesoons epsom salt

- 2 tablespoons sea salt

- 1/2 tablespoon baking soda 

-  14 drops essential oil (check below for blends and their purposes)


- small mixing bowl

- mixing spoon

- measuring spoons

- air tight jar/container


1. stir all of your ingredients in your mixing bowl. store in your jar or container. 

essential oil blends and purposes: sugar scrub and bath salts

lavender- exfoliating, calming, reduces redness/inflammation

peppermint- soothing, exfoliating, refreshing, helps achy muscles

orange- moisturizes, lifting mood, reducess stress

lemon- reduce inflammation, smooth skin 

eucalyptus- anti-inflammation, reduces redness, helps sore muscles, promotes healthy skin

feel free to add any essential oil that you would like! here are just a few options for you to use/try! 

and so that is how i (and now you can!) make sugar scrub and bath salts! all natural, no artificial fragrances or colors! 

if you have any questions please feel free to ask! i would love to answer any questions you may have!  

thanks for stopping by! hope to see you again next month! 


      ~MADDIE <3


  1. Oooo those sound like so much fun!! I will HAVE to try the sugar scrub!!!


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